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AnglVerse Quantum Oracle (α) is a unique gamified dynamic proof-of-stake consensus protocol.

*No install required

Game of Risk (α) Quantum Oracle Rule

Variety of Eidol with it's Value, desired Risk and Traits creates a dynamic utopian/communistic swarm intelligence that burns stakes of the most and least greediest Eidol every 10 minutes, so it's always game with zero sum in its basics. But this recurring process is a proof for minting the new coin into Cryptonomics.

Invest in Collectible Character Crypto Funds

While playing AnglVerse Quantum Oracle (α) you invest in collectible game characters, named Eidol, that hatch from Eidol eggs and contains some ANGLS Value. They take part of Cryptonomics Aeon cycles — the AnglVerse Green Mining mechanics. Every 10 minutes Eidol may increase or lose its Value based on their risk management during utopian/communistic dynamic proof-of-stake consensus.

Earn Angl Shards

Play Quantum Oracle (α),
stake ANGLS, earn interest

Grow Collectible Character Crypto Funds with one touch Yield/Risk management. Pop them when you want, to receive all their Value in Angl Shards.

Green Mining


Yearly Rate

Angl Shards ⨻


Green Mining Pool

Mined in AnglVerse ⨻


Since May 6, 2022

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